If there is additional cream present and things aren’t too messy with pee or poop, you don’t have to start from scratch. ApBy David Burn The Story Behind Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Fox Sports Radio host, Ben Maller, has an entry on his blog about Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. Side Effects What are the side effects of Boudreaux Butt Paste (Topical) Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives difficult breathing swelling of your.
“Diaper cream doesn’t get absorbed as much as it simply sits on the skin and breaks down over time. As for any remnant cream in place at the next change? Boucher says not to sweat it. Let baby go diaper-free and air dry until they’re no longer damp Apply a thick and liberal layer of your barrier cream of choice, and then put baby in a new diaper. Original Boudreauxs Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment is a thick, cream-like protective diaper rash paste with 16 Zinc Oxide and is ideal for treating mild. Boudreauxs Butt Paste Maximum Strength is free from dyes, preservatives, parabens and talc. When applied to the skin zinc oxide forms a temporary barrier protecting the skin from external irritants. It provides overnight protection, starts to soothe on contact, seals out moisture and helps keep baby’s boo-tay dry. Boudreauxs Butt Paste contains zinc oxide. If a rash is already present and inflamed, use a squirt bottle to spray some water on the soiled area and pat dry. Boudreauxs Butt Paste Maximum is a thick, cream-like protective diaper rash ointment with 40 Zinc Oxide.

Otherwise, you can use a soft wash cloth and warm water to wipe the area clean. Rutt says it’s important to “avoid vigorous scrubbing or wetting the area, as repetitive wet-dry conditions can dry out the skin and cause more irritation.” If you prefer to use a baby wipe, stick with an alcohol- and fragrance-free option that won’t aggravate the skin.
Maximum strength treatment and protection. Paraben, preservative and phthalate-free. Provides the thickest barrier of protection against diaper rash. Change dirty or wet diapers as soon as possible. Maximum Strength Butt Paste twice the rash-kicking treatment of Original Butt Paste, and none of the harsh ingredients found in some competitors, to treat and protect those sweet cheeks.
Ready to get your hands dirty? (You know what we mean.) Here’s how to apply diaper rash cream in a swift, efficient and effective way.